OpenBook e processori Nano premiati al Computex 2008

VIA Technologies è lieta di annunciare che la piattaforma Mini-Note VIA OpenBook ha vinto il ‘Gold Design & Innovation Award 2008’ e la famiglia di processori VIA Nano ha ricevuto il ‘Best of Computex 2008’.

  • La piattaforma Mini-Note VIA OpenBook vince il Gold Award al Computex 2008!

    “VIA is extremely pleased to receive this prestigious award for design and innovation,” commented Richard Brown, Vice President of Marketing, VIA Technologies, Inc. "It certainly validates our efforts to take the VIA OpenBook to the next level of style and customization.”

  • I processori VIA Nano ricevono il prestigioso premio ‘Best of Computex’

“We are delighted that our new processor platform has won this award, as it not only underlines our leadership in power efficiency and miniaturization in x86 platform design but is testimony to the industry-wide move towards small yet full-featured x86 devices,” said Epan Wu, Director of CPU Product Marketing, VIA Technologies, Inc. “We expect that the blend of optimized performance, power efficiency and functionality will further expand the market for small form factor and ultra portable devices.”